Goniolimon collinum L.
Brand: Jelitto
Packaged:0,07 g
Availability:In Stock
Ex Tax: 1.60€
Sea Lavenders Statice "Sea Spray" - Goniolimon collinum.
Perennial for rock garden, good for fresh cut flowers.
Family: Plumbaginaceae.
Origin: Balkan Peninsula and Eastern Romania.
Distinguishing Features: Beautiful, light bluish-green basal leaves and sturdy twigs of tiny, star-shaped white flowers.
Flowering plant height: 40 cm.
Distance between plants: 40 cm.
Natural flowering period: July - August.
Soil Requirements: Dry, well-drained.
Winter hardiness zones: Z5 - Z9.

1,0 g = 1150 seeds.

Goniolimon collinum Sea Spray
Sea Lavenders Statice. Bot.syn.: Statice collina Griseb.

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